TC20/TC25 Holster. Adjustable to fit the TC20/TC25 All Touch devices with or without the PowerPack. Designed to accommodate hand strap (SG-TC2X-HSTRP1-01, sold separately) and Snap-On Accessories. Non-rotating (Zebra SG-TC2X-HLSTR1-01)
Categoría: Accesorios
/Productos Relacionados
Battery Chainway P80
Cable USB, MS910/912 USB Cable (USB Type A to mini-USB, black color, 210cm) (Unitech 1550-900057G)
Bateria, MS840P/B, MS842P battery (Unitech 1400-900014G)
Cable USB, USB Cable for AS10 (Unitech 3114-R809171)
Elementos de Proteccion, WD100/WD200 Armband Strap Pro, Dial Knob Tightener, Small to Medium (28cm) MOQ 1000 units (Unitech 5500-100002G)
AC/DC Power Supply, RS200 Power adapter (Unitech 1010-900007G)